Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Open Wide Your Heart!

2 Corinthians 6:11-13
We have spoken freely to you, Corinthians, and opened wide our hearts to you.  We are not withholding our affection from you, but you are withholding yours from us.  As a fair exchange, I speak as to my children, open wide your hearts also.

Honesty, transparency, and having an open heart filled with the Spirit of God are vital in learning to love people.  Paul the Apostle said, "open wide your heart."  An unloving person is narrow in heart, so the follower of Christ should love all people.  What comes out of our mouth is a good indicator of the condition of our heart.  Is love and understanding being communicated?  We need an open heart to be able to love those with faults and shortcomings, those who would naturally repel us.  It makes me wonder, am I withholding God's love and affection toward someone - just because they have different views, or sinning, or unkind to me?  

I need to open wide my heart - to make room for the unlovely, the lost, the one who is held captive in their sin; even to those who may have offended or hurt me, or said unkind things.  Because now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation!  Do not put a stumbling block in anyone's path - and don't be one either! 

Forgive me Father, I repent for closing my heart to those who have hurt me or for those who would cause me to shudder and shrink back.  I invite You to stretch the tent of my heart wide and help me not to hold back Your love to anyone!  Lengthen my heart cords and strengthen the stakes to hold them firmly in place.  I need a new wineskin for the new wine You are asking me to contain - lest You pour new wine into this old skin and I burst!  Change me Lord and help me to see what You see in others.  I open wide my heart to You to receive all that You desire to pour out through me in these days!  I will keep praying and doing good, in Jesus Name, A-men.

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