Monday, January 13, 2014

God is With Me

Genesis 31:1-5  Now Jacob heard that the sons of Laban were saying, “Jacob has taken all that was our father's, and from what was our father's he has gained all this wealth.” And Jacob saw that Laban did not regard him with favor as before. Then the Lord said to Jacob, “Return to the land of your fathers and to your kindred, and I will be with you.”
 So Jacob sent and called Rachel and Leah into the field where his flock was and said to them, “I see that your father does not regard me with favor as he did before. But the God of my father has been with me.

Jacob overhears the complaint of the sons of Laban.  Jacob also sees Laban's countenance and reads the body language that reflects an attitude that Laban has with him - Jacob has lost favor with his father in law.  When Laban first met Jacob, he ran to him, embraced him, and kissed him, and brought him into his house.  (Genesis 29:13)  But now, Jacob clearly sees a different face on Laban.  
The Lord speaks to Jacob and instructs and reassures him.   'You made a vow to Me, Jacob, at Bethel . . . remember?  It's time to go home - to return, and know that I am with you.' (Genesis 31:13)
Jacob meets his wives in the field with the flock - far from listening ears.  He knows no one else is out there tending the flock and it's a place of privacy.  He informs the wives about their father, something they were already aware of.  They too feel have felt used by their father for monetary gain.  

Relationships with family and friends are ever-changing, but God, never changes or waivers in His love for us.  He says He loves me, will never leave me nor forsake me.  When others fail me or don't meet my expectations, or if I fail or offend them, I can always turn to God and know He promises to be with me.  The Lord is my helper, I will not fear.  What can man do to me? (Hebrews 13:5-6)  "Though my father and mother forsake me - the Lord will hold me close." (Psalm 27:10)

Father I can trust in You!  You will never abandon me!  Thank You for Your steadfast love and grace, Your great mercy and forgiveness, for Your promises and faithfulness.  In You I can put all my trust.  Thank You.  In Jesus Name, A-men.

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