Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Change Me Lord

Philippians 2:3-4  Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves.  Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but for the interests of others.  

We need to be humble, loving, kind, unselfish, self-sacrificing, with a servant attitude, considering others above ourselves, having the mind of Christ.

Easier said than done.  But it needs to be said so we can have some sort of measurement as to how we should be.  Is it attainable?  Only with the working of God in my heart and the power of the Holy Spirit can I ever hope to be all God wants me to be. 

After reading 1 Kings 12 and then Philippians 2 in my reading today,  I can really see a contrast in the way King Rehoboam decided to treat people and the way King Jesus wants us to behave towards people.  After being counseled by Jeroboam, and seeking advice not only from his elders, but also from his not so wise peers - Rehoboam decided to take the foolish counsel of his peers.  Jeroboam and the elders advised, 'treat the people kindly, serve them, speak good words to them and you will win their hearts! They will serve you forever!' But instead Rehoboam took the counsel of his friends - to be 'harsh, mean, and threatening, worse than his father ever was - discipline with scorpions!'  The result was a kingdom divided.

I need to have the attitude and mind of Christ Jesus.  To love God and love people.  I know God is working in me to will and work for His good pleasure.  I feel it when I am abrasive or grumbling and argumentative, and I feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit showing me how like Rehoboam I still am.  My heart's cry is 'Oh, to be like Jesus! Help me Lord, I am so wretched sometimes and I can't even stand myself.'  

O God, You are my God, teach me, correct me, adjust these attitudes that creep in and surface.  Forgive me I pray.  I want to be like Jesus and only You can complete in me what You have started.  I'm in for the long haul Lord.  Whatever it takes - change me.  Thank You Lord.

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