Friday, January 27, 2012


Exodus 3:2-3  The angel of the Lord appeared to him in a blazing fire from the midst of the bush, and he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, yet the bush was not consumed.  So Moses said, "I must turn aside now and see this marvelous sight, why the bush is not burned up."

The Lord got Moses' attention when he saw the bush on fire but not burning up.  Moses had to go and see this marvelous sight.  It was then that God spoke to Moses. . . 

When one of the little ones I was watching recently decided to throw toys at a younger sibling, I gently placed my hand on their shoulder and said, 'You must not throw toys, someone will get hurt.'  A few minutes later, another toy flew across the room.  Eye contact, both hands on the shoulders, and a firm voice, 'Do not throw toys, someone could get hurt' - and a pop in the diaper area - commanded a response from the surprised little one that was testing boundaries, 'Yes Grammy, ok.  No more toy throwing.'  I got the little one's attention.

What does it take for God to get my attention?  God wants to speak to me and in the busyness of my day to day stuff, I have found myself deaf to the Holy Spirit promptings to 'Come away, stop what you are doing, listen, I want to talk with you.  Come and see what great and marvelous things I want to show you.'  
I must remember to 'Listen - to what God is saying to me,  Inquire - to ask Him to speak and teach me, Faith - to have faith and believe that He has a plan and purpose for me, and Experience - to live out what He says, and just do it.

Father, I don't want to miss it! Help me stay focused and stay on course by nurturing my relationship with You by sitting at Your feet with eyes that are open to see You, ears that are open to hear You, and my heart open to love You more and more.  You have my attention Lord.  In Jesus Name, A-men.

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