Thursday, July 21, 2011

Walking My Talk

James 3:1-2
Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.  For we all stumble in many ways.  And if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, also able to bridle his whole body.

Teachers are held accountable and judged by God and man with a more stringent standard than those who do not teach God's Word.  All of us stumble, especially when we open our mouths more than we should.  We aren't perfect, only God is perfect.  If we were perfect, we'd get things right.  But being imperfect as we are - we mess up.

When we declare God's Word, whether it's from a pulpit, teaching in Sunday School class, or sitting around a table with friends, we better be 'walking our talk' because people see right through a facade, a superficial appearance or illusion of being spiritual or seeming like we have it more together than we really do. 

Father, thank You for opportunities to proclaim Your truths and to be transparent to those hungry for You.  Help me to 'walk my talk.'  Thank You for showing me areas I need Your touch.  I avail myself to You for adjustment and correction.  I humble myself before You and may I take discipline with a quiet and submitted spirit and godly attitude.  Deal with me according to Your will and purpose  because You love me.  Help me to speak Your Word accurately, and may my actions and attitudes reflect the transforming power of the Holy Spirit working in me.  In Jesus Name, A-men.

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