2 Corinthians 4:4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
As I read this verse I was reminded of a recent episode of 'Watter's World' on Fox news re the University of Missouri's racism protests and demonstrations on campus. Bitter and hateful outbursts reigned among the protesters. It was ugly - but racism is ugly. It came across as wild, radical, and violent.
Incidents such as this, was overshadowed in the news by the horrific attack on Paris.
The 'god of this age' has blinded the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel, instead they are allowing themselves to be manipulated by the master deceiver who seeks to kill, steal, and destroy, to divide, stir up trouble, dissension, and feeds on hatred as an expression of what they stand for.
I am a servant of Jesus Christ and I understand what great love God has for me and for all people. He has made His light shine in my heart that I might be a light to others as I share the good news of salvation to any who will listen. Jesus came that we might have life to the full.
Let me be a light that shines in the darkness and a bearer of hope to the hopeless. Only Jesus Christ can open the eyes of the blind and enlighten the mind of a lost soul.
~ I pray for students across this land that there would come an awakening of Your Holy Spirit on campuses and a revival of salvation would begin to emerge. I bind a spirit of racism and division and release God's Spirit to bring love and peace.
~ I pray that You would show Yourself strong in every believer and that they would have boldness to share their story with those who are searching for truth and light.
~ I pray against the terrorist evil infiltrating our world through ISIS and other known hate groups whose only mission is to steal, kill, and destroy. Bring the enemy's plans to nothing and set people free who have been deceived and entrapped into a web of evil doings and devastation.
~ Give wisdom I pray, to our leaders that they would be instruments of Your will and purposes. Raise up godly men and women who will take a stand for righteousness.
'We wrestle against principalities and powers, rulers of the darkness of this age and against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places' - but 'at the Name of Jesus Christ every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is LORD.'
There is power in the Name of Jesus to defeat the enemy and thwart his plans!
So I pray in Jesus Name. A-men.