Acts 5:29, 40, 42 But Peter and the apostles answered, "We must obey God rather than men." ... and after calling the apostles in, they flogged them and ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and then released them. And everyday, in the temple and from house to house they kept right on teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.
Standing up before the Council and being questioned by the high priest, the apostles spoke boldly before these religious, learned men who were jealous because of the apostles increasing popularity among the multitudes. Not only were they jealous, they were also perplexed that these guys were out of prison - 'Didn't we put them in jail - who let them out? And what are they doing? Teaching again publicly, out in the open, telling crowds of people about Jesus. Preaching in that name after we told them not to!'
Peter and the apostles stated clearly, they must obey God rather than man. They were beaten and warned not to teach or preach in the name of Jesus. But they did anyway. They went every day to the temple and the people would gather to hear them. They went to private homes, to any who would listen, they proclaimed the good news of Jesus Christ, and were not afraid of what man might do to them. They instead rejoiced that they were considered worthy to suffer shame for Jesus.
Peter and the apostles stated clearly, they must obey God rather than man. They were beaten and warned not to teach or preach in the name of Jesus. But they did anyway. They went every day to the temple and the people would gather to hear them. They went to private homes, to any who would listen, they proclaimed the good news of Jesus Christ, and were not afraid of what man might do to them. They instead rejoiced that they were considered worthy to suffer shame for Jesus.
I too choose to obey God and proclaim my faith to whoever will listen. I don't need to be afraid of rejection or even verbal or physical abuse when I am obeying God. I will trust God for the outcome of the words of life and salvation. Some of the hearers may even plug their ears when they hear His name, unless it were to be used in a profane way. I know I can speak boldly for Christ, I can trust in the Him for safety.
I remember a mission trip to Mexico City back in 1985. We were doing street drama, singing gospel songs in Spanish, and managing a puppet theater too. It was exciting in that we were drawing a crowd of spectators - until the tomatoes started to fly and then we ran for cover. Wow! We got blasted by tomatoes for sharing about Jesus. Later two of our high school boys on the team, began playing soccer and it wasn't long before the Hispanic boys that threw the tomatoes at us, joined the game. After some sweat, great ball handling, and fun - we invited the players to a home meeting to feed them dinner and hear about Jesus. A couple of them came, and ended up receiving Jesus as their Savior. What started out to be a bit scarey for us had an interesting outcome. Thanks to God.
Father God, Isaiah 6:8 says, 'Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” I love that verse Lord - because I hear You asking that question even now. So my response is, 'Here I am Lord, send me' - I'm not afraid. I'm trusting You for the outcome. Give me the confidence and boldness, wisdom, and the saving words to speak at the right moment. Fill my mouth and I will speak in Jesus' Holy Name. Thank You for the privilege to serve You. A-men.