Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Come to the Cross

Mark 6:20 - 26
For Herod was afraid of John, knowing that he was a righteous and holy man, and kept him safe.  And then when he heard him, he was very perplexed; but he use to enjoy listening to him. 

Herod was afraid of John the Baptist because he knew he was a man sent from God (John 1:6).  He was God's messenger.  John preached a baptism of repentance and forgiveness of sins.  All the country of Judea, and all the people of Jerusalem were going out to him and they were being baptized by John in the Jordan River confessing their sins.  Herod kept John safe and was puzzled and uncertain, even bewildered but gladly listened to John.

The Holy Spirit was at work in the heart of Herod.  He was aware of God's presence in John and was drawn to 'hear him' but did nothing to turn his heart to God and repent of his sins.  John was a man sent from God and walked in obedience to God and was righteous and holy.  God was the One who kept John safe - not Herod.  John's life ended because his days were fulfilled and his mission on earth accomplished.   
The Holy Spirit brings conviction that leads us to repentance but if we reject Him, we end up sinning even more.  Herod's adulterous sin with Herodias, his brother Philip's wife, eventually led him to murder the very man he was 'keeping safe,' who had spoken LIFE and TRUTH to him.  

Father, I pray as your Holy Spirit works in my life and convicts me of sins, that I will turn to You quickly, in total surrender and repentance.  Help me come to the cross of Jesus.  I want to be a do-er of the Word and not just a glad hearer of the Word.  I don't want my ears 'tickled' with the Words of Life, but I want to take them to heart and obey You.  Draw me close to You O God and never let me go.  Forgive me of all my sin and cover me with the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray.  
In Jesus Name, A-men.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Storms of Life

Mark 4:35
On that day, when evening came, He said to them, "Let us go over to the other side."  Leaving the crowd, they took Him along with them, just as He was; and other boats were with Him.  and there arose a fierce gale of wind, and the waves were breaking over the boat so much that the boat was already filling up.  Jesus Himself was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke Him and said to Him, "Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?"  And He got up and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, "Hush, be still."  And the wind died down it became perfectly calm.  And He said to them, "Why are you afraid?  Do you still have no faith?"  


Other boats were with Him as well as the one Jesus was in.  The storm caused the waves to swell and the boats were taking in water!  I wonder how the other boats were doing.  Yet Jesus sleeps in the disciples boat.  Doesn't He care?
Sometimes it seems Jesus sleeps through the 'storms' we experience.  Where is He when we are trying to keep the boat afloat and our heads above the water?  Why are we so timid and unbelieving when we are going through times of trouble?  We know Jesus is with us, but nothing is happening and we feel we are sinking!  Isn't it enough to know He is with us?  Does He have to be doing something like 'bailing' us  out of our predicament for us to believe?   


I hear the Lord saying, "Trust, have faith.  Don't be afraid, I Am with you."  Hush, be still O waves and wind!  Hush be still O my soul because I trust in God and have peace, because He is with me. 


Father, thank You for Your Presence.  May I trust and believe and have faith in You in all life's situations.  I know You are with me and fully aware of every detail that concerns me.  I know sometimes I am afraid when the storm is raging around me . . . calm my fears I pray.  I pray for all those experiencing real life storms today - especially those in harms way on the East Coast of our nation.  May they feel Your Presence and Your Peace as they trust in You and have faith knowing You are there.   
In Jesus Name, 