Saturday, July 21, 2012

With God - all things are possible!

2 Kings 18:2-3, 5, 6  (2 Chronicles 29:1-2)
Hezekiah was 25 years old when he became king, and he reigned 29 years in Jerusalem; and his mother's name was Abi the daughter of Zechariah.  He did right in the sight of the Lord, according to all the his father David had done. v5 He trusted in the Lord, the God of Israel.  
v6 He clung to the Lord and did not depart from following His commandments.  

Hezekiah was 25 years old when he became king reigning in Jerusalem for 29 years.  He did right before God - he trusted and clung to the Lord as his 'father' David had done.  His mom, was Abi, daughter of Zechariah.   Hezekiah had good 'influencers' in his life.  His mom, perhaps his grandfather Zechariah, and his 'father', David.  He was trained, instructed, admonished, corrected, and shaped by 'influencers' in his young life preparing him for his reign as King.   Hezekiah learned to trust in God for all things, to cling to Him in all seasons of adversity and of plenty, and to obey God's Word - he took to heart everything that was taught to him.  And so, he did right in the sight of the Lord. 

I want to be a good 'influencer' to my sons & daughters, grandkids, & to all the men, women, youth, & little ones God has blessed me to be around in this season of my life.  

We raised our 4 sons (& my nephew for 5 years), teaching them to love God and listen and obey what He says.  We brought them to church with us, sang songs about Jesus with them, read the Bible to them, & encouraged them to read it when they were old enough to read for themselves.  We tried to be godly examples of what it is to be a Christ follower not just on Sundays but everyday.  We used the BEST 'how to' manual ever written - The Holy Bible.   We loved, trained, taught, corrected our boys the best we knew how including popping them on the 'booty' when they needed it.  We tried to finish our correcting times with love, hugs, and prayers.  Consistency was my biggest challenge, but when you realize parenting is a major responsibility, a gift from God & a huge blessing - then you take it more seriously; and so I worked at being consistent with their upbringing.  It's hard & it takes a lot of work, but well worth it in the end.  Without God, it was impossible, but with God, all things are possible!  

Father, there's a whole new generation coming up that need to be loved, trained, & raised to worship You.  I'm available & will do right according to what Your word says in doing my part - leading them to You and helping the parents to raise their offspring to be Christ followers and worshipers.  Thank You for the privilege to serve You in this way.  With You God, all things are possible!  In Jesus Name, A-men.