Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers Day 2012

Happy Mother's Day and special greetings to all of you.  The Bible says that we should 'honor our father and our mother, which is the first commandment with promise: that it may go well with you and you may live long on the earth'.  (Eph.6:2-3)  

Today is a day we honor our mothers.  
* Spend time with your mother while she is still with you, 
* Forgive your mother, even when  . . . (If we have unforgiveness the Lord will show you; even if she is already gone.  Just let it go.  Bring it to God.)  
* Be a blessing today and receive a blessing from the Lord.  

There are many holy women of God in the Bible that we can read about; women that can influence us even today. They are women of God, just like us, that we are . . . becoming.   They were 'homebuilders'.  I want to be a 'homebuilder'.   My sons are all gone - grown with families of their own, but I still want to be a 'homebuilder' - for my husband, for my sons and daughters, and grandkids, and for extended family & friends that come for a visit. The things I do, the words I speak, my attitudes - all reflect whether I am a 'homebuilder' or foolishly tearing down my home.

I want to be adoring and submissive like Sarah, loving and loyal like Mary of Bethany, available and capable like Abigail, becoming and humble like Elizabeth, responsive and constant like Ruth, respectful and self sacrificing like Esther, virtuous and godly like Mary the Mother of Jesus Christ, full of faith like the Syrophoenician woman, and transformed by the Holy Spirit like Mary Magdalene.  

The Bible is full of wonderful stories of ordinary women who became 'women of God'.  This Mother's Day, I pray blessing, comfort, and strength, for each of us who desire to walk with God and become all He has called you to be as holy women of God.  In Jesus Name, A-men.