Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Just Do It!

Judges 4:8  Then Barak said to her, "If you will go with me, then I will go; but if you will not go with me, I will not go."

Barak recognized the 'presence of God' upon Deborah the Prophetess, Judge of Israel.  He was willing to face Sisera, the dreaded commander of Jabin's army only if Deborah would go with him.  Barak would be taking 10,000 men with him, but still he was intimidated by Sisera's 900 iron chariots, and his many troops.  Sisera had oppressed Israel severely for 20 years!  And it had left it's mark on Barak.    

God had given the command to 'GO!' and that He would deliver Sisera into their hands.  But Barak trusted more in Deborah than he did in God.  Barak wanted someone who he knew heard from God with him, flesh and blood - God's anointed leader.  He relinquished the honor he would have received by saying he wouldn't go without Deborah.  The honor would go to a woman now, not Barak.  God would see to it.  

Barak fought and pursued the enemy but it was Sisera who was the prize!  Sisera got away (on foot), and ended up in the tent of Heber the Kenite, sipping a cup of warm milk given to him by Jael, Heber's wife.  Sisera was so tired and sleepy after drinking his milk that he lay down and took a 'happy nappy'.  The enemy at her feet, Jael is divinely inspired to take a tent peg and hammer it through Sisera's temple shattering his skull and spattering his grey matter all over the carpet.  Hallelujah! 

When God gives me a command or assignment - Just Do It!  Do it alone, do it without needing 'someone else' to go with me to be my encourager, my support, my mouthpiece, someone to lean on.  Just go and do it.  God will give me what I need, when I need it.  It's when I am weak and feeling totally ill-equipped for what God has said to do, that God will come through!

Father, show yourself strong in my life.  There are times I feel intimidated by the enemy, and reluctant to step out to do what You want me to do.  Instead of looking around for someone more spiritual, more able to do it better, give ME courage, boldness, and faith to obey Your will.  I'm available.  I lean upon You and ask strength from You!  Fill me with Your Holy Spirit Power and may Your Presence be with me, to obey You to the full.  
In Jesus Name,  A-men.