Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Stand Firm

1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

Standing firm - means being planted, established, and immovable.  Nothing can move you.  Always - all ways, every day, give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord.  100% of me is to be given - hold nothing back . . . because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.  Everything we do for the work of the Lord and furtherance of His gospel and kingdom, is worthy!  The blood, sweat, and tears of your labors of love, counts for something; though we might not know it or see the results, it's not done in vain.

We had a tree in our front yard many years ago that we decided to remove and plant our 'live' Christmas tree in it's place.  It was early Spring and time to do the removing and the planting.  We dug, we pulled, we chopped, and tried and tried to get that old tree to budge.  It was so firmly rooted and planted that we finally got some ropes and chains and tied them around it, hooked it to the truck, and yanked that baby out.  Finally, we got it to move!  I want my faith and walk with the Lord, to be like that tree in terms of standing firm and not budging no matter what may try to move me.   Any of us can get discouraged from pouring ourselves into the lives of people and not seeing results . . . or it may seem that we are doing what we do for the Lord, and we can't see changes or fruitfulness.  But God, says nothing we do in our labor for the Lord's work is in vain.  He will take care of what needs to happen in His time and for His glory.  So, I choose to stand firm and trust God for the rest.

Father, thank You for Your word.  You always encourage and so gently correct me.  The only way I can really 'stand firm' is to focus my eyes heavenward to You, and know that it is all about You - not me. Cause my faith roots to grow deeper and deeper in You O Lord Jesus.  Stretch me in the things You have called me to do, and may I never lose the joy You have given me in serving and loving people. In Jesus Name, A-men.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How Did We Get Here?

Judges 6:10
I said to you, "I am the LORD your God; do not worship the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you live.'  But you have not listened to me."

God spoke, but the Israelites did not listen.  They did not obey.  They worshiped the gods of the land anyway.  The people did not listen to God, the LORD, the ONE  who had brought them up out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.  They did not listen to HIM who snatched them from the power of Egypt and from the hand of all their oppressors - who, HE drove out from before them and WHO gave them their land.  They did not listen - and there were consequences.  The Midianites so impoverished the Israelites; ruining their crops, and not sparing a living thing, that they finally cried out to the LORD for help.

When God speaks - LISTEN & OBEY - it will save a lot of heartache, oppression, and attacks from the enemy who comes only to ravage the land of promise and seeks to kill, steal, and destroy; and it's because we do not listen.
But oh, what steadfast love He has for us!  He loves us even when we totally reject Him.  When we finally call out to Him for help, He's there!  He also tells us how we got into the mess we are in . . . we did not listen and obey.

Father God, O how You love us!  Forgive me dear Lord Jesus for times You have spoken, and I did not listen.  Help tune my ears and my heart to You - I want to hear You, and obey.
In Jesus Name, A-men.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I Choose Life

Deuteronomy 32:46-47
He said to them, 'Take to heart all the words I have solemnly declared to you this day, so that you may command your children to obey carefully all the words of this law.  They are not just idle words for you - they are your life.  By them, you will live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to possess.'

Take to heart - and pass it on to your children to obey carefully all the words God has spoken.  God's words are not idle, they are active, alive, and at work.  They are significant and worthy to tune your ear to hear and carefully listen.  God's words are not said in vain and they will not return void.  They are LIFE with content and purpose.  The rewards of living in obedience to God's word, is length of days and the possession of the promises of God.

I will 'take to heart' the word of God and what He speaks to me.  What I hear, what I read, and how I will respond, influences who I am and who I am becoming - in character, integrity, obedience, and will effect the promises He gives me and the generations to come.  So, I choose life and life abundantly - life to the full. 

Father, I choose life.  I acknowledge You are at work in me through Your word and Your Holy Spirit.  You have given me new life and I thank You for Your faithfulness and truth.  May it be passed down to the generations yet to be born.  Until then, I promise to do my best to pass it on to my children and their children, and my grandchildren's children.  Be glorified in my life.  In Jesus Name, A-men.

Matthew 4:4  'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.' 
Hebrews 4:12 'The word of God is living and active.  Sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.'

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Best Place to Be

Psalm 38:15 
I wait for You, O Lord.  You will answer, O Lord My God.

To wait means to remain inactive or in a state of repose - to be available or in readiness; to look forward to eagerly . . . to continue as one in expectation of. 
Bottom line: I wait for the Lord - He will answer me.

There are so many voices shouting in my ear!  Waiting for the Lord's answer requires that I tune my ear to hear His voice, and make up my mind not to listen to the 'well intentioned' who all have their own opinions. Waiting for the Lord means I must trust in Him and patiently wait with eager expectation for His answer.  He is my Lord and my God - He knows me and hears my cries; He will respond when He's ready and when He knows I am ready.

Father, fine tune my ear to hear Your voice.  Help me to wait for Your answer.  I trust in You.  I love You Lord.  I'm waiting for You.  I'm at Your feet listening; it's the best place to be.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Deuteronomy 3:26
But because of you, the Lord was angry with me and would not listen to me.  "That is enough," the Lord said.  "Do not speak to me anymore about this matter."

'It was all your fault, it's because of 'you' that God got angry with me and would not listen to me and now I don't get to go into the promised land.  Was it truly the fault of the Israelites that Moses lost his temper and hit the rock instead of speaking to the rock as God told him?  Who sinned because he misrepresented God and did not obey what God told him to do?  There are dire consequences to disobedience. Quit blaming others.  The 'buck' stops here.

We can ask, even plead with and beg God, to change His mind about giving us the desires of our heart after we've messed up, but there may come a time that the Lord says, "That is enough.  Do not speak to me anymore about this matter."  God will answer a very firm 'I said - NO'!  Enough said - that's it! Don't ask me again.  

I can remember saying this to my own kids when they were young, when they would be so persistent in asking about something Louie and I had already told them no about.  However, the verse indicates that Moses kept asking God.  Would God change his mind and let Moses go into the promised land?   What this verse tells me is that Moses kept asking - and that's ok.  It's ok to keep asking God for those things that concern me - don't give up, stand your ground, be bold, be persistent, UNTIL I hear God say 'No, and don't ask me again.'

Father,  I thank You for Your love, forgiveness, grace, and correction as I journey through the Bible once again.  Help me to see what it is You want me to learn from Your Word.   I don't ever want to stop asking for the impossible just because I presume You have said no.  Help me to keep seeking, asking, and knocking - until I receive a clear answer from You.  In Jesus Name, A-men.